Support Scheme


For learning supports in the course of program, the GSS has the following scheme:


Secondary Academic Supervisors

The Program students will register their GSS Secondary Academic Supervisor from the list of Faculty Members of Kyoto University (see Table 4) who is not at their own graduate school or International Advisors or Industry-Government-Academy Collaboration Advisors. Non-GSS Faculty Members in Kyoto University also can be a GSS Secondary Academic Supervisor. This scheme allows students to receive advice from interdisciplinary and international perspectives.


International Advisors (until academic year 2017)

Frontline researchers and practitioners in safety and security area who and play active roles in education for Program students are registered as the GSS International Advisors.
Table 10 – List of the International Advisors
Airton BodsteinGraduate School of Civil Defense, Federal University of Fluminense
Badaoui Rouhban
Unit for Natural Disasters, UNESCO
Endashaw Bekele Wordoffa
Population Genetics and Conservation Biology, College of Natural Science Division of Microbial, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Addis Ababa University
Firdausi Qadri
Centre for Vaccine Sciences, International Centre for Diarrheal Diseases
Fran Baum
Department of Public Health, Flinders University
Head and Professor
Fumiko Kasuga
Division of Safety Information on Drug, Food and Chemical, National Institute of Health Sciences
Gunilla Lindström
MTM Research Center
Örebro University
Gunilla Lindstrom
Department of International Health and Collaboration, National Institute of Public Health
Chief senior Researcher
Hans van Ginkel
Human Geography and Planning at Utrecht University, Former Rector of United Nation University
Iddya Karunasagar
Products, Trade and Marketing Service, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
Senior Fishery Officer,
Isaac Keango Nyamongo
Institute of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies, University of Nairobi
Director, Professor
Jakob Rhyner
United Nations University Institute for Environmental and Human Security (UNU-EHS)
Jan Sopaheluwakan
International Center of Interdisciplinary and Advanced Research (ICIAR), Indonesian Institute of Sciences(LIPI)
John Glenn Morris, Jr
Emerging Pathogens Institute, University of Florida
Professor, Director
United States
John M. Wallace
the University of Washington
ProfessorUnited States
Joy Jacquline Pereira
Southeast Asia Disaster Prevention Research Institute (SEADPRI-UKM)
Deputy Director
Juha I. Uitto
Evaluation Office, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Deputy Director
United States
Le Quoc Doanh
Northern Mountainous Agriculture and Forestry Science Institute
Director General
Makoto Suwa
Development and Regional Activities Department,
World Meteorological Organaization (WMO)
Margareta Wahlstrom
United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)
Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction
Mohamed Fawzy Bakry
National Water Research Center (NWRC), Ministry of Water Resources & Irrigation
Nana Watanabe
Ashoka Japan
Founder and Launch Director
P.K. Ramachandran Nair
School of Forest Resources and Conservation, IFAS, University of Florida
Distinguished Professor
United States
Peter Gilruth
Division of Early Warning and Assessment
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Peter Piot
London School of Tropicl Medicine and Hygiene
Robert H. Hall
Division of Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Health, USA
Program Officer
United States
Roy C. Sidle
Ecosystems Research Division, National Exposure Research Laboratory, US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research &Development
42 Director (supervisory Physical Scientist)
United States
Ryu Fukui
Office of Director General, Regional and Sustainable Development Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Ryuhei Hosoya
Unieted Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Executive Director
Sachiko Taki-Reece
The CG Jung Institute of Los Angeles
FacaltyUnited States
Salvano Briceno
Science Committee, Integrated Research on Disaster Risk(IRDR), Global Earthquake Model (GEM), International Council for Science / Former Director of Secretariat, UNISDR
Samuel Geoffrey Schladow
Tahoe Environmental Research Center, Depertment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis
Director and Professor
United States
Saroj Jha
Global Facility of Disaster Risk Reduciton (GFDRR)
Central Asia, The World Bank
Regional Director
United States
Shigeyuki Kano
Department of Tropical Medicine and Malaria, Research Institute National Center for Global Health and Medicine
Simmathiri Appanah,
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Senior Programme Adviser
Srikantha Herath
United Nation Univesity, Environment and Sustainable Development,
Senior Academic Programme Officer
Thomas Djamaluddin
Aerospace Science, Assesment, and Information, National Institute of Aeronautics And Space Republic of Indonesia
Tim Palmer
Oxford University
Tim R.H. Davies
Deparment of Geological Sciences, University of Canterbury
ProfessorNew Zealand
Tso-chien Pan
College of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University [NTU]
Professor, Dean
Walter D Mooney
Earthquake Science Center, US Geological Survey
Research Geophysicist
United States
Wang Wei
School of Environment, Tsinghua University
William John Siembieda
Plannning Design and Construction Institute, California Polytechnic State University
United States
Zhongliang Wu
Institute of Geophsyics China Earthquake Administration
Robin Roberson Murphy 
Texas A&M University
United States


Industry-Government-Academy Collaboration Advisors (until academic year 2017)

Advisors who can give advice to the Program students from industrial and governmental perspectives are registered as the GSS Industry-Government-Academy Collaboration Advisors.
Table 11 – List of Industry-Government-Academy Collaboration Advisors (2017)

Youichiro Kawasimontellectual Property Department, JFE Steel Corporation
Norihisa WadaBusiness Development Division, IE Institute Co.,Ltd.General manager
Sanjeev SinhaIJIP Asset Management Limited.President
Koichi KanedaCorporate Brand & CSR, ANA Holdings Inc.Global CSR Head
Naoshi HiraokaGraduate School of Instructional System, Kumamoto UniversityAssociate Professor
Yoshiaki Kashino(株)アレスパートナーズRepresentative Director
Toshihiro OkaFaculty of Economics (also Graduate School of Economics and Business Administration), Fukui Prefectural UniversityProfessor
Mick MoritaKoshii Maxelum America Inc.Advisor
Takeshi HibiyaFuji Xerox co., Ltd.Advisor



The GSS Program assigns GSS Mentors to students for course support of the Program. Students can receive support for course planning, and submission for different forms, presentation preparation related to activities in the Program in close contact with Mentors. One or two GSS Mentors is/are assigned to one student. The assigned mentor/mentors will be notified at the beginning of semester.


The GSS Program invites model researchers and practitioners who are called as Rising Leaders or Leading Experts, for students who wish to be global leaders in safety and security area by building their interdisciplinary and international research and practical activities. Through these lectures and discussions, the Program students are expected to foster own leadership, sense of mission and ethics, expertise and comprehensive views bridging researches and practices.

Details are provided here

Financial supports

For financial supports which allows students to focus on studies, the GSS Program provides the Program students who are qualified with study fellowship and research grant. Such financial supports will be available until March 2018

Study Fellowship (until academic year 2017)

The GSS Program provides the Study Fellowship for Program students to reduce financial burden and allow students to focus on the courses and academic research.
Study Fellowship cannot be received concurrently with scholarships for government-sponsored foreign students, scholarships for Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellows (DC1, DC2) or other scholarships. In addition, other incomes through part-time jobs are not allowed.

Research Grant (until academic year 2017)

Program students can apply to the Research Grant to conduct their doctoral research, field training etc. up to 1,000,000 yen per a year. Each student are given a chance to submit application every year.