List of Program students
Students from various graduate schools and divisions participate in the GSS Program. They engage in efforts to deepen their own expertise and widen their perspective toward comprehensive approaches bridging differences in the field of safety and security through interactive exchange.
Table 6 – Program students (Green represents student who completed the GSS program)
Table 6 – Program students (Green represents student who completed the GSS program)
Name Research Theme | Graduate School | Division GSS Scope |
Nami FUJIMOTO | Education | Education |
Meira Levinson's Theory and Practice o fCitizenship Education | Man-made Disaster | |
Matomu ITAKURA | Science | Earth and Planetary Science |
Development of carbon dioxide reservoir monitoring method using precise gravity measurement | Natural Disaster | |
Oscar Roberto ESCALANTE MALDONADO | Medicine | Medicine |
Ecology of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and the significance of the trh gene sequence variations from seafood and environmental samples | Regional Environmental Change | |
Yukiko HONDA | Medicine | Public Health |
Impact of Exposure to the Great East Japan Earthquake on maternal isolation and psychological problems of young children | Regional Environmental Change | |
Han XUE | Enginnering | Civil and Earth Resource Engineering |
Study on flooding hazard and hazard reduction effect of Low Impact Development countermeasures in George Town, Penang of Malaysia | Natural Disaster | |
Yuma DAITO | Enginnering | Civil and Earth Resource Engineering |
Practical research for development of infra-structure in the rural area of development country | Man-made Disaster | |
Tomohiro TANAKA | Enginnering | Civil and Earth Resource Engineering |
Assessment of lmpact on River Discharge and Inundation Disaster Caused by Climate Change | Natural Disaster | |
Hendy SETIAWAN | Enginnering | Civil and Earth Resource Engineering |
Study of relationship between upstream catchment area, subsurface-groundwater flow and reservoir towards landslides and sediment related disters | Natural Disaster | |
Ryota GOMI | Enginnering | Environmental Engineering |
Simultaneous Detection of Virulence Genes in Escherichia Coli by Multiplex PCR and Next-Generation Sequencing Technologies | Regional Environmental Change | |
Ryo HIGASHIGUCHI | Agriculture | Forest and Biomaterials Science |
Research on Semi-domestication Plant as a System for Sustainable Use of Plant Reseources | Regional Environmental Change | |
Ryosuke KAJITA | AA Area Studies | Southeast Asian Area Studies |
Social Response to Earthquakes and Volcanic Activities in Indonesia –Historical Consideration- | Natural Disaster | |
Ai SUZUKI | AA Area Studies | Southeast Asian Area Studies |
Biodiversity Consevation in Preah Vihear Protected Forest, Cambodia: Strategy development from field data Ⅱ | Regional Environmental Change | |
Takaki HIROSE | AA Area Studies | Southeast Asian Area Studies |
Creation of rural development model in dry regions of Southeast Asia ; an example of Savu-Raijua District, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia | Regional Environmental Change | |
Sachi MATSUOKA | AA Area Studies | Global Area Studies |
Pluralisticistic Medical Situation and Structure: Study on Health Seeking Behavior in Kerala, India | Regional Environmental Change | |
Fuko NAKAI | Informatics | Social Informatics |
Index Development for Alternatives of Evacuation under Mixed Traffic of Pedestrians and Cars | Natural Disaster | |
Eva Mia SISKA | Engineering | Civil and Earth Resources Engineering |
Building resilient societies: Analysis of challenges and opportunities in securing water adaptableto global environmental changes | Regional Environmental Change | |
Xiao Jie TIAN | AA Area Studies | African Area Studies |
Day to Day Accumulation of Indiginous Ecological Knowledge in Pastoral Societies: A Case of Masai in Southern Kenya | Regional Environmental Change | |
Naoko KIMURA | Global Environmental Studies | Global Environmental Studies |
Visualizing local knowledge regarding natural environment and awareness of natural disaster risks (tentative) | Regional Environmental Change | |
Shoba POUDEL | Global Environmental Studies | Global Environmental Studies |
Climate Change and Food Security in Mountainous regin ofNepal: Impacts and Adaptations | Food Security | |
Kensuke ASAI | Education | Clinical Education |
The Self and the Other in the Experience of Translation: Theoretical studies on "reflection as translation". | Man-made Disaster | |
Atsushi YASUMOTO | Science | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
Study on the deep fluid activities based on hydrous phase mineralogy in the ultra-high-pressure metamorphic rocks in Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif | Natural Disaster | |
Bhekumusa Wellington LUKHELE | Medicine | Medicine |
Serious Games designed to influence HIV behavior change in Swaziland: A mixed methods study | Regional Environmental Change | |
Christina EL-SAAIDI | Medicine | Medicine |
Improving the level of infection control education at the dentall schools in Yemen: A nationwide randomized controlled study | Regional Environmental Change | |
Van Tien PHAM | Engineering | Civil and Earth Resources Engineering |
The simulation and prediction of landslide dam hazards the Kii Peniinsula, Japan | Natural Disaster | |
Sarasa ANMA | Agriculture | Forest and Biomaterials Science |
Analysis of the composition and diversity of soil fungi in seasonal tropical forests in Thailand with massive parallel DNA sequencing | Natural Disaster | |
Chong XU | Agriculture | Agronomy and Horicultural Science |
The Breeding Method Development with New Environmental Stress Tolerance using Transposable Elements | Food Security | |
Jinsen ZHENG | Agriculture | Environmental Science and Technology |
Nutrient Dynamics in Tanzanian Intensive Agiicultural Higlilands with Contrasting Soil Properties, and the Potential Impacts on Sorrounding Water Environment | Food Security | |
EI | AA Area Studies | Southeast Asian Area Studies |
Potential of Monoculture Teak Plantations for Multifunctional Forests in the Bago Mountains, Myanmar | Regional Environmental Change | |
Mei NAKAZAWA | AA Area Studies | African Area Studies |
HIV/AIDS Infection and Daily Life of Woman-headed households in Southwestern Part of Uganda | Regional Environmental Change | |
Yui MASUKI | AA Area Studies | Global Area Studies |
NGO and Community Development in Rural India: With a Particular Focus on Vocational Training for Scavengers in Rajasthan | Regional Environmental Change | |
Takashi SUGIYAMA | Informatics | Social Informaticas |
Development of an education tool for tsunami evacuation based on the regional structure | Natural Disaster | |
KARLINA | Engineering | Civil and Earth Resources Engineering |
Comprehensive Drought Assessment for Drought Identification and Adaptation Due to Climate Change | Natural Disaster | |
Wenlong WANG | Engineering | Environmental Engineering |
Risk assessment of non-regulated chemicals like neonicotinoids using in vitro a physiologocally based pharmacokinetic model: a case study of acetamiprid | Regional Environmental Change | |
Chatterjee RANIT | Global Environmental Studies | Global Environmental Studies |
Disaster Risk Governance for Resilient Cities: A case study of Small and medium Scale Enterprises in Mumbai Metropolitan Area | Natural Disaster | |
Hiba Abuelgasim Fadlelmoula | Medicine | Public Health |
Quality of Clustr Rondomized Controlled Trials (CRCTs) in Pragmatic Trials in Healthca Interventions Researches | Man-made Disaster | |
Yukari OBAYASHI | Medicine | Public Health |
A qualitative enquiry into health problems of scavengers (waste-pckers) in Kathmandu, Nepal | Food Security | |
Ayako KOHNO | Medicine | Public Health |
Comparative Study of Social Capital and Social Determinants of Health among Retirees in United States and Japan | Regional Environmental Change | |
Yongxue SHI | Engineering | Civil and Earth Resources Engineering |
Impacts of extreme weather and land use change on water-related disasters: A case study in the Katsura River Basin, Kyoto, Japan | Natural Disaster | |
Koji UOZUMI | AA Area Studies | African Area Studies |
The Development Project and Its Impact in Rural Aread in Cameroon: Focus on Traditional Mutual Aid | Food Security | |
Miki YOSHIZUMI | AA Area Studies | African Area Studies |
Life Courses of Disabled Persons amnong the Samburu in Kenya | Food Security | |
Sanae ITO | AA Area Studies | Global Area Studies |
Wast Management Practices in Nepal: Community Activities in Kirtipur and Trans-border Circulation of Materials | Regional Environmental Change | |
Kensuke OTSUYAMA | Global Environmental Studies | Environmental Management |
Quantification & Customization of Disaster Rccovery Process through lndicator-bascd approach in Tohoku & other Asian regions | Natural Disaster | |
Genta NAKANO | Global Environmental Studies | Environmental Management |
Institutionalization of Disaster Education for E:ffictive Actions in Pan-Himalayan Region | Natural Disaster | |
Sajid NISAR | Engineering | Mechanical Engineering and Science |
Development of a Surgical Robot for Improved Performance in Minimally Invasive Surgery | Natural Disasters | |
Elif Berna VAR | Global Environmental Studies | Global Environmental Studies |
Conservation of Built Vernacular Heritage for Promoting Sustainable Rural Environments in Trabzon, Turkey | Regional Environmental Change | |
Katrina San Juan NAVALLO | A・A Area Studies | Southeast Asian Area Studies |
Exporting care labor: An analysis of the transformation of care labor into a global commodity | Regional Environmental Change | |
Annisa Satwika LESTARI | Global Environmental Studies | Environmental Managemant |
Influence of Adaptive Grazing on Soil Organic Carbon in Traditional Silvopasture Practice under Rubber Plantation | Regional Environmental Change | |
Kentarou NODA | A・A Area Studies | African Area Studies |
Integrated studies on coexistence between the Zanzibar Red Colobus and local people around Jozani Chwaka Bay National Park in Tanzania | Regional Environmental Change | |
TSE Tsz Kwan | Economics | Economics |
Trans-boundary Pollution in East Asia | Man-made Disaster | |
Kota SUGIMOTO | Economics | Economics |
What kind of the energy policy can minimize the risk of nuclear accident, without spoiling Energy Security, Economy and Environment ? | Man-made Disaster | |
Yukiko TATEYAMA | Medicine | Medicine |
A study on cultural, socio-economical behavioral, nutritional and biological rislk factors of non-communicable diseases in Zambia: Focusing on the disparity in urban-rural setting and different economic strata | Food Security | |
ONGOSI Anita Nyaboke | Medicine | Medicine |
Role of Unhealthy Diet in the Progression of Non-communicable Disases (NCDs) in Communities with Food Security Disparrities: A case study of Usain Gishu and Machakos counties in Kenya | Food Security | |
Shinomi TAKAHASHI | Medicine | Public Health |
Socio-epidemiological studies on the social, cultutural, life-style and bihavioral factors related to the non·adherence to diabetes mellitus treatment and the development and evaluation of intervention program based on the Change of the Behavioral Mode | Regional Environmental Change | |
HWANG Chiyoung | Medicine | Public Health |
Qualitative enquiry into social, cultural and psychological factors and knowledge concerning tuberculosis screening among urban deprived population: homeless people in Nishinari district, Japan as a model | Regional Environmental Change | |
Takahiro KOSHIBA | Engineering | Urban Management |
Study on Function Evaluation of Sediment Management Method and Life Prolongation Strategy about Dam | Natural Disaster | |
Tomohiro HAYAKAWA | Engineering | Mechanical Engineering and Science |
Development of autonomous distributed walking system for three leg modular robot swarrms in various connections | Natural Disaster | |
Ryosuke NAKAMURA | Agriculture | Forest and Biomaterials Science |
Effect of soil temperature and silicon availability on physiological function of Moraceae trees | Regional Environmental Change | |
Haruka UEDA | Agriculture | Natural Resource Economics |
Development of a New Food Education Program Based on Sensrny Education as a Solution for a Sustainable Food System | Food Security | |
Chikara OKADA | Agriculture | Natural Resource Economics |
The Research Of Farmers’ Rights - Focus On Intellectual Property Rights In Patent Genetic Resources- | Food Security | |
QU huangqi | AA Area Studies | African Area Studies |
Agro-ecological Studies on Indigenous Rice Farming Systems in Tanzania: A case of Usan | Food Security | |
Ran MURATSU | AA Area Studies | African Area Studies |
The reality and survival strategy of the beninese living in the religious dynamics | Man-made Disaster | |
Mariko MATSUMOTO | Global Environmental Studies | Environmental Managemant |
Community Based Flood Management in Upstream and Downstream Barangays [Villages] of the Philippines | Natural Disaster | |
Hiromi SEGAWA | Medicine | Public Health |
A study on the development of intervention program to improve health and happiness of people based on socio句idemiologicalanalyses of social, cultural, life-style, behavior factors affecting health and happiness:Through comparison of community health care system between Japan and Bhutan. | Man-made Disasters | |
Kodai YAMAMOTO | Engineering | Civil and Earth Resources Engineering |
Integrated Analysis of Rainfall-Runoff and Flood Inundation by the RRI model in the Chikusa River Basin | Natural Disasters | |
Bonjun KOO | Engineering | Urban Managemant |
Enhancing Risk Communication and Public Awareness to Promote Disaster Risk Management: Focusing on Air Pollution in Mongolia | Natural Disasters | |
Georgina SEERA | AA Area Studies | African Area Studies |
Double burden of Obesity and Undernutrition in Uganda East Africa | Food Security | |
Ly Steven | Engineering | Civil and Earth Resources Engineering |
Runoff Prediction in Tonle Sap Lake Basin, Cambodia | Regional Environmental Change |